Monday, March 8, 2010

Who gives a damn

I have a feeling this addition will come off sounding like a bit of a bitch session, but guess what? I don't care because this is my blog and I can, well, rant if I want to. It's just that today it occurred to be that yet again you can't trust anybody or even begin to. Okay, let me exclude a few people here, like my mother, but for the most part we are out for ourselves and ourselves alone.

So is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. I know me, I know what I like, I know what I need, what I want....or do I? Oh you see, this is where I can begin to get all deep and crap. So think I will spare all of you my 'dark pre-teen depressive child' self and just buck up and get the hell over things. So it doesn't always end up the way you want, you can't always have what you want, but so what. Perhaps life really is too short to spend more than a few moments (or a blog entry for that matter) worrying about things that have little to no importance in the grand scheme of things. Does he like me? Who effin cares?! Do I look ugly today? Probably, so put on a damn smile and fake it - or globs of makeup, that can always help. Will life work out for me? Will I make good money? Will I be happy? Blah, blah, bah. Moral of the story: Just be you, be happy and live each day to the fullest and stop worrying about dumb ass things, and especially dumb as mutha fuckin idiots who can't....oh forget it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I feel like a rockstar. Yes, it's true. I travel about the U.S., I drive a cool vehicle, I get asked by random people for my picture and I stay in nice hotels. There is however a core difference between myself and an actual rockstar: I talk about cheese all day long. Oh, and I also happen to lack the grandeous musical draw that sells out major stadiums across the world and makes young girls cry at the very thought of me. I have also yet to wear super tight leathers, lipsinc horribly at an awards show or have an affair with a B list actor who post break-up gets signed to do Dancing with the Stars. On the other hand, I do tend to get photographed at grocery stores and have pictures of me taken while driving down the road. Now all I need is 5 kids from different countries and a hot 'semi-husband' to make all things complete.