Just admit it, in some ways you are jealous of me. I mean, come on, I kind of have it made right now. Granted I can't paint the walls whatever color I want, have gentlemen callers when I want to scratch an itch, and my step-father seems to be in the bathroom every damn time I just happen to want to use it...but hey, I don't pay rent, I have an entire floor to myself, the fridge is always stocked, and my mom will still pick up my tampons for me without so much as a blink of an eye.
Even so, I feel discriminated against. It's sad and unfortunate that many here in the good ol' U.S of A find it less attractive to live at home than it is to have a fungal infection of some kind on your girlie parts. Yes, I just said that. Since when does living with your parents at the ripe old age of 30 mean you are less succesful, and let's just be honest here, kind of a loser? You know, cross the pond and you won't be surprised to find a nice bloke eating fish and chips in his parents living room at all of 38 years of age. If my mom gives me permission I may even go with you.
By the way, I'm at home while I wait for this stimulus package to actually work, and I was finishing my degree, and I wanted the chance to travel, and yes, I feel the need to tell you that.