Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Too cool

So this may be a topic that I have discussed at great length before. In fact, I guarantee it is because it tends to be a big part of the story that is my life. Sometimes it can just sick to be the "cool girl." What? Huh? Really? In my case this is so wrongly true. Okay, so obviously this has everything to do with boys and nothing to do with friends, work and fun times traveling. Because of course in those times I beyond friggin rock because, let's get real here, who doesn't just love having the cool, fun chica around right? Need I mention I tend to bring major fun times to the bar scene too? Haha, now I am bordering on bragging so let's ge back to the topic at hand. "The cool girl" syndrome, as I have decided to call it, is lame, lame, lame. Bottom line, if I am so cool that you can't imagine life without me by your side, I make you smile, I make you laugh, blah, blah, blah - what the frick is your damn problem bro? I mean, really? Obviously I am not perfection people, I have been known to rock a freak out session or two. You can't blame a girl and let's face it, I would be a freak of nature not to have a wacked out emotion from time to time. Gotta say though, lately there has been a certain somethin', someone, whatever, that has me erked a bit. I am getting the same old "your so cool" speech (which believe me, doesn't totally suck to hear) but I fear that I may get sucked back into the same story were I end up frustrated and only a friend. What's so wrong with just going with the flow and when it feels right just take it? Oh, who knows? I don't want to totally geek out on the situation because it is what it is. I guess I will have to continue my mission in life to have fun, love life and just roll with the punches so to speak. I mean, it wouldn't be cool if I didn't right? :)


  1. you are too cool!! tell us more! lots of love from india. xoxo b

  2. I do think you're really cool... Luckily I'm neither a man nor a lesbian, so I guess you won't get mad at me!
