I have once again ventured off and away to a small pueblo where the only thing here are the basic necessities. You know, one computer with internet, a number of cows, loud chickens, rice, beans, fruit and of course the obligatory soccer field.
A number of people commented about Tierradentro being nothing more than a place with holes in the ground (tombs), but I am finding it to be so much more. After bidding farewell to Katie I hopped the bus for another bumpy ride up and over to this very small town. Of course, my luck, I arrived with vomit all over my bag thanks to a small little boy who couldn´t handle the fun ride. I met up with my friend Hector at an adorable family owned hostel where we bunkered down among birds, iguanas, chickens and roosters alike.
Thinking it a good idea to test the limits of my physical capabilities, we decided to hike up about 1800 t to the peaks of Al Aguacate (elevation about 6200 ft) and explore the first of many tombs. It´s a sight to see for sure! Not only were we up among the clouds but walking across a mountain ridge full of underground tombs that date back to thousands of years before Christ. You would think that climbing into hole after whole would be boring, but I tell ya, it was amazing to sit down in there, shining your light on ancient paintings and only imaging what people´s bones occupied this space so many years ago. Call me a creeper, but I think it´s kinda neat.
After about 16 miles we ended our adventure. I never thought the classic Colombian meal of lentils, rice, fried plantain, meat and cucumber-onion salad would be so amazing after our long trek but I could have killed the damn vaca (cow) myself! Did I mention we drank 3 different types of fresh juice in one day? Um yeah, after papaya with orange, rasberry and lulo I was rather regular if ya know what I mean.
Today we ventured into the small town of Inza, which besides the quiet minutes we spent in the church, really there is nothing much to see here. So after some silent praying, which I didn´t realize until after that I did it in Spanish, Hector and I began to talk. Now, one would think sitting in a cathedral surrounded by figures of Jesus, Mary and numerous saints we would be inspired to talk of spirituality, religion and such right? No people, we began to talk about Clint Eastwood as a fine director. Hey, to each their own right?
Tomorrow we are off to find a small pyramid that we forget to get off the bus and see today. Oh, yeah, forgot because we had to take the schoolbus back into town and it was packed full of kids from age 4 to 16. Talk about bringing me back. Well, except for my busses were orderly and this was, well, fun! Music, joking, teasing, running about the bus, singing, laughing.... Although, school is a fairly new thing in this pueblo. Not too many years ago these children would be working the farms, not studying math and experimenting with the latest nail polish color.
Venturing north towards Bogota soon!
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