Sunday, April 18, 2010

The American Dream

I saw a glimpse into what my future will not be today. I worked in a certain county in the state of California, that for the pure politeness factor I will not mention by name, that made me want to find the nearest pine or palm tree and hang myself. For many people this community appears to be rather lovely. Jogging trails through man-made forest parks, alongside man-made lakes with cookie-cutter track homes, close-in to your nearest upscale grocery store and chain restaurants. Oh - and not too far from a possible yoga studio where you and other wifies can get together 3 mornings a week after the kids get off to school to gossip and take your life to the perfect zen place. Gag me.

Not that there is anything wrong with basically being bought to keep some techie geek happy while you live it up in a nice home with a nice car and a black American Express card. Or is there? My pride and self-respect as not only a woman but a human being won't allow me to perform my wifely duties for some flabby ass old white man just so that I can have the latest Prada loafers on my perfectly manicured feet. Nope. Can't do it. In fact, the notion of this "perfect" little suburban life just makes me want to gag. Keep up with the Jone's? Why? The Jone's kinda suck in my book.

However, here is where I sound like a wee bit of a hypocrite. I, myself, would have zero problem with having a 'kept' man. Yup, I think I could do it. However, here are were me and this corporate, fake boobies, liposuction, 2 little brat kids and a Range Rover part ways. My paid man would be hot, younger than me and be able to do more than just pleasure me, give me children and look good at the neighborhood Christmas/Hanukkah party. Oh yes, he better be able to fix anything that needs fixing, tell me "no" in a firm manner when needed, keep me in check, and then basically let me get my way (or at least thing I am) and be loyal. Like a dog. Although housebroken and less smelly. Unless of course he smells of grease, aftershave and maybe coffee or a hint of good whiskey. Gross, but oh so good.

Anyways, I am glad I had this conversation in my head today. I just reassured myself it is okay to be me and not want to live this so-called American dream thing. How freeing of me.

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