Oh, but wait, this is not the only new addition to my list o' peeves such as people who drink way too much soda and coffee (talking like 5 Big Gulps a day here, not a trip to Starbucks and a Dr. Pepper with lunch okay?) and those who can't seem to understand that dishwashers are designed for full-capacity, efficient loading. I have also come to realize that I have major beef with people who can't seem to use appropriate, professional e-mail formatting. If I know you, be casual. No need to address me accordingly each time, or hell, even sign your name. However, if you are corresponding with me about a job opportunity or something, check your grammar and use the lovely creation that is Spellcheck. I mean, come on, Microsoft has made it easy for you to appear smart, take advantage of it.
I am also under the very snobby opinion that if you are educated (not just college, talking educated in life, and just generally intelligent really) you are free to use improper speech in an attempt to sound cool, young or just plain hip. You've earned it. If you haven't been able to slightly master what is the English language (and your first language of course, I give a break to those who didn't begin the journey at birth. I'm not a total bitch.) then shut it please. It's painful for those of us that care.
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