I have a bit of a rant for all my lady friends out there - for the love of God, please stop going into rancid details about what is happening to your lady parts! It grosses me out that some of these things actually happen to me, what the heck makes you honestly think I also want to be that in touch with your cycles and systems?! I can handle the "Damn, I hate cramps" comments, and won't cringe if you ask me for a tampon, I mean after all, I am 30 years old. However, I have to draw the line when you start telling me about itchy things, odorific stuff, having a heavy flow or anything that goes into an overabundance of detail about your nether regions. I mean really, can't you save that talk for your lady doc? I simply don't care, nor want to know that about you.
While I am on a roll here, for all you strange ladies at the gym: Do you honestly think I want to watch you dry off every crease of your wrinkly naked body while I politely change into my sports bra? Um, no. I don't even think your husband wants to witness that, so why would a strange female in the locker room be down? Oh, and FYI, I can understand how the Brazilian isn't your thing, but at least a little landscaping if you're going to show it off please.
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